
Scripture Reading Charts

As believers, we should have a desire to read and study the scriptures every day. Our family uses the charts below for both individual and family scripture study.

Old Testament

I am not going to lie to you. Reading the Old Testament over a 90 day period is not an easy task. You have to read around 10 chapters a day. Sometimes more. For me, it has been worth the time and effort. All scripture is built on the teachings of the Old Testament. I encourage you to make a commitment to read it, you will not regret it.

Download Old Testament Reading Schedule (PDF link)

Many people view the Old Testament as the title reads – OLD. Old as in out of date, no longer applies. I personally disagree. I invite you to watch the following. It is lengthy (almost 3 hours) but you may come away with a new perspective of the Old Testament.

New Testament

Understanding the New Testament, especially if you’ve never read the Old Testament, can be difficult. Much of the New Testament consists of the writings of Paul, who is often hard to understand. I recommend the following videos to help with your studies:

Download New Testament Reading Schedule (PDF link)

Book of Mormon

Download Book of Mormon Reading Schedule (PDF link)

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